Thursday, January 1, 2009

Aging Notes

Aging Notes
(Found in California Home, 2008 A.B.* – by Abram)

July 6, 1983

Maieutics uncovers what covers, saying this silently: “The hidden parable makes the session apparent. The session, out of turn, phrases the gestic sensorium. Only the paradisiacal is parasitical. Fecal become fetal become fatal. Communion is the incantation of uncommon sharing. Word is tautological, an anticipation of the coming past, an absence of moment.’”

Maieutics covers what uncovers, saying this aurally: “I speak throughout my self, through you. This aphanitic continuum must be broken for the transcendental to cleave together. There are no other sessions, only other parables. The time before or after the session is the same, the space parabolical . . . . We pass this way but twice!”

What is covered or uncovered, the parable, is untouched by maieutics. Current creation is originative repetition.

B.C., A.D.
(Barry Codell, Activity Director)
*A.B.: after birth of James

July 19, 1983

Mediate maiuetics: is not all language a cipher, all cipher a silence, all silence all language? At first, at last, seek conflicting, rather than reproductive peace. The writing of the parable is the unwritten entrustment, generating the maieutic self. We may never deprive language. At most, we are deprived of the language that deprives us of our self. Is speech only thought, non-dimension? Is Abraxas the meeting point for the animistic and anthropomorphic tendencies? Is non-transference the point of death for the projective and introjective certainties?

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